Tipperary Landscapes
The exhibition runs at the @6s & 7s Gallery, 6 Davis St., Tipperary Town from October 5th to 11th.
Open times as follows:
Monday Oct 7th – Thursday Oct 10th, 10am – 4.30pm
Friday Oct 11th, 11am – 4.30pm
(Closed 1pm – 2pm for lunch)
“[T]he landscape is the world as it is known to those who dwell therein, who inhabit its places and journey along the paths connecting them.” – Tim Ingold

Landscapes are fragments of our imagination. They are phenomena that are constructed both physically and immaterially based on our conceptions of the possibilities of being. Through these conceptions, we collectively and personally form our experiences of the land we exist within. The term landscape is indelibly connected to the image as it was initially used in the late 16th century to describe a painting of the land. Since then, landscape has evolved into an everyday phenomenon. The landscape can exist in many ways, constructed through collective or personal experience, through images, or by physically altering the land. We are always in the landscape, never in front of it. It may seem that photography, and images in general, have a contradictory relationship with landscape as they put us ‘in front’ of it. However, through images we engage in our landscapes, and we embody them through the meanings that are then gathered from them. Together, the images construct a landscape that describes a place in which we dwell, remember, forget, enjoy, and endure. Photography allows us to examine our relationships with our landscapes and understand how we aesthetically embody them. After spending more than 20 years away from the landscapes of Tipperary Town I am hoping, through photography, to reconnect with my home.
As part of the exhibition there will be participatory workshop on Saturday October 5th from 10am to 4pm. You can read more details about the workshop through this link.
David Flood is an image-maker, researcher, and educator from Tipperary. He has spent the last few years reflecting on the notion of landscape and culture through his research and artistic work. This exhibition was made possible with support from Tipperary Artists’ Award, Creative Places Tipperary Town and @6s & 7s Gallery.